John Kasich prepares for March Madness

John Kasich home. Then, as a country, he sat governor, promote the tour party will end up close to Michigan --- just across the border.
Kasich and Midwest, where they will take their last stop of his team. --- A series of Michigan, Ohio, Illinois and Pennsylvania, his home, his fate will be transferred to. Or, Jackson, Mississippi, as his Super Tuesday, explained to his fans, a bit like the NCAA basketball tournament - everybody fights throughout the year to get the home court advantage, and in the next two weeks, which is what he will get.
"This is March Madness, and now we move on," he said Thursday night debate Kasich. "My site, you will have?"
Loose analogy, excuse (technically, no home advantage will be played at neutral venues --- March Madness games), the Kasich in New Hampshire, where his party's goal was his second of the war. Their plan: not good in Michigan, Ohio, and then on March 15 to win, even if he was on his way from the point of view of the Republican standard-bearer non Donald Trump, will be representative, to show off slowly, protecting the Convention to contribute to the struggle.
"I have to win it a completely different when I'm going to win Ohio, and Ohio," Kasich said Thursday night on CNN's Dana strike after the presidential debate.
A large part of the Republican Party, #NeverTrump an alternative riding sports trumpet and frustration virus, it would be a good thing. It is not enough --- not only the actual statement, or a lot of begging people to leave school was closed for Kasich.
. "This nomination honors John Kasich has run a good race, he said:" Senator Kerry Gardner, Colorado, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio told supporters. "But the bottom line is that we have elected a Republican who share the values of the Republican Party, and that is Donald Trump."
Nearly 300 delegates at Trump Super Tuesday after claiming a victory and a state of their own come back - why the game is still Kasich and variations of conspiracy theories and competing campaigns manager, to discuss the edges -. For some people, this will be a pure self. For others, it's a promising Trump is trying to make a name for himself as a senior administrative officer.

Rubio attack

But Kasich other candidates, especially after Marco Rubio, never shy of his efforts in this friendly billionaires can not do anything to stop the turf is considered.
Rubio's supporters complained Wednesday that he asked her what she thought of the ticket, Kasich quickly became combative. "Ah, he may need to vote from me," he Rubio replied that he did not race in Massachusetts, the "Hitman" Vermont, where he completed Rubio charged nearly two to one, to trump wins, deliberately suppress the vote.
New Hampshire campaign spokesman Joe penis  group was active in the "unity of our Party, the winner in November, and the start of a new American century Marco's message," but the cost of Kasich. "We have seen John Kasich, do you think that she may need to take a break from the campaign did not, because."
Kasich did not notice, but Rubio. "They predict that in four states, and they want to win," Kasich told reporters. "They won the caucus there. This is something, Minnesota or something else, because this is stupid? It is true that ...... that, frankly, it is even worse to me."
He said he is constantly on the move to avoid constant over a week. "Look, this down: she Florida, Ohio can win, and I did not win, we'll see what you can win your own state, I do not know how you move."
Ohio or bust - - Kasich game, which is a trump even those who questioned his candidacy could not stop taking their overall goals are. Winner take-all state of Ohio, Kasich for Trump won without losing a chunk of access, but also a very important victory in the state to win the election.
It's more or less the 2012 candidate Mitt Romney and Trump in his harsh comments to ensure the necessary support to the state and representatives of the drum is a strong candidate technique.
Get past Michigan
First, however, came to Michigan, but here in recent weeks have cut their expectations Likaxiqi. At one stage, as the building is equivalent to a consultant in New Hampshire - Kasich large booth in an ideal state, near the Ohio and Illinois, a string is set for a week later to follow. However, Trump reality - economic uncertainty is based on anger and discomfort with another state - have been set up in the last few days.
A recent study by the Detroit Free Press and local television networks from the state Kasich - now think about the last place in Carson, but his campaign ended. The September respectively, Saturn, behind Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and 18 points behind Rubio Trump, 10.
This does not mean that the kingdom of Kasich, City Hall, where the patent is a major week-long push - aside competitors after the events of New Hampshire - the advertising campaign and super PAC supporting him would be boosted as the backbone of efforts. Its purpose is to push the state of the horizontal top finishers.
Grand Blanc, a small town of Flint, Michigan, to answer a lot of these problems plagued the production of health infrastructure, about 10 miles to the town hall with a loud vanity, economy, culture, and technology changes will be available this year. Every question, try to Kasich's head, which is in the north, has become a symbol of the direct election of its solution "adult in the room".
"Do you think we should abolish the IRS?" Kasich just ask a question, what should be the next morning, she assumed it was under her pillow to see if the tooth fairy continued, condition.
New Hampshire is a resonance effect - - but Kasich, and his team, the children approach him to see the game.
According to the state, even if one is a man who is to act as an assistant football, does not hurt.
"It was an interesting shirt," Kasich young wearing a sweater at the University of Michigan are participating, said at one point. "Yes, it's very good, I want to work for a week, I have not been recorded in this regard." University of Michigan football coach Bo Schembechler the IRS to continue to add to the legendary status of duty.
When she moved her activities, she played her close. "Let's begin soon, we have a border," he said. "More than 1,000 miles away, and no one better."
The first two weeks of tests to determine whether the game is still - the fact that voters are satisfied with the state of Kasich, has been less than a week. Although critics - and there's no shortage of them, clearly aware of Kasich - a moment when March Madness tips Kasich before, it was just a few weeks will be. "Now the house." He was on Wednesday


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