The 2016 Presidential Candidates' Views on Computer Surveillance and Encryption

The next commander-in-chief will face tough questions about the monitoring and encryption. It is likely that the current Apple vs. FBI encryption consume 2016 war and will spill into the next presidency. The next leader of the United complicated answer, NSA and its ability to gather information on US citizens surrounding the future there will be lingering questions.

Hillary Clinton

Clinton and Sanders did not really disagree a lot, but surveillance rare point of contention. In 2001, Clinton voted in support of the Patriot Act, which expanded the NSA's surveillance capabilities. Sanders did. Sanders did not approve the reform bill in 2015. Clinton NSA, saying that the reforms did not go far enough.
Clinton said in an interview with Kara Swisher Recode, figure out what the acceptable level of surveillance and the need to get out of their ideological corners. Clinton boring answer a few questions for the encryption and recently adopted a more stringent position, surveillance and encryption to solve the problem of a "Manhattan Project-like" approach is called for. Apple says in a recent town hall Nevada / FBI encryption debate called "one of the most difficult dilemmas we are facing."
Snowden believes Clinton for his actions, "face the music" that would be. The feeling is mutual.

Bernie Sanders

Perhaps the most security-conscious person Bernie Sanders Vermont senator running for president in the 2016 law that could have a devastating impact for the privacy of Americans have a knack for spotting. But even Sanders understands the encryption will answer the conundrum.
However, instead of just finding a solution, calling on Silicon Valley, Sanders puts the burden on the government. During the Democratic debate, he said, " Not caught up that public policy with the explosion of technology," but admitted the government needs flagging "lone wolf" ISIS online activity.
Sanders tweeted publicly that the NSA "out of control" and "acting in an unconstitutional manner," and a time Sanders NSA report "Orwellian," which is clearly a nod to the company's literary prowess. But Sanders is not completely abandoning the US Central Intelligence Agency.  He said simply, "I'm on both sides." When questioned what side he was in the recent FBI vs Apple encryption conundrum.

Donald Trump

Trump encryption is clearly not addressed until the FBI came out in support of government agencies to help make Apple unlocked iPhone has been discussed in a terrorism suspect. He accepted the company's proposal to boycott Apple productsuntil, although he did not actually stop using an iPhone himself.

Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz bills itself as an uncompromising conservative, but he is a surprisingly moderate record on surveillance. The independence of the United States, the NSA's collection of phone records of a bill voted in favor of reform. And he argued that it expands the government's ability to collect call records, such as Cruz as stridently as a candidate Marco Rubio is pro-surveillance. He also criticized the Obama administration's surveillance records.
Rand Paul's filibuster He even supported the NSA. "The Obama administration's position that the federal government each American citizen, no matter where we walk the track at full constitutional authority of the position. That is a breathtaking assertion of power," Cruz said after the pirate Paul.
But last year, Cruz admitted that he told a cyber security Act (CISA) had not bothered to read, and it is he who did not vote. At a recent town hall, Cruz stated that Apple tech company with a court order compelling the FBI to help unlock iPhone software to create a terrorism suspect to comply.

Marco Rubio

Marco Rubio is a lot like a domineering mother: She's protecting you like a hawk to see you no matter where you go or what you think is the only way.
USA Today op-ed penned an impassioned Florida senator, at any time, now titled NSA program ends in May 2015. The article, Rubio wrote, "is a major contributor, [our security], development and use of tools such as counterterrorism has been authorized under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and the Patriot Act . of course, "the article metadata NSA's bulk collection of telephone support, stating," this program is a single documented case of abuse does not. "that is clearly wrong.
San Bernardino Massacre Rubio recently doubled-down on the backing of the NSA's collection of metadata. "We have strong intelligence have the ability to disrupt the plot. That's why I'm running for president of this law that even some of my opponents was a vote for the opposition, the United States [Freedom] Act passed a few months ago," he told This Morning interview aCBS. "It took away the right to collect metadata, which means that we now see that the person they are talking to people who are coordinating or that we are suspected of involvement in terrorism or who can not access phone records to carry out an attack." Rubio is hellbent a wide range of US surveillance operations. He won the presidency, that if you visit every corner of the Internet in the hope of tracking.

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